CW for the link: death by vehicular violence

It was a bloody memorial day weekend in Cincinnati.

Even though the answer society needs to arrive at is banning cars, that reality seems so far away.

How realistic is it that we can start by banning these gigatrucks and SUVs from city streets where they simply don’t belong?

  • Seedling
    3 years ago

    Look up Andreas Malm and the self admitted super cringe name Indians of the Concrete Jungle action that they did in Sweden in the 2000’s. It turns out you don’t need legal bans to do this, but can effectively ban specific models from city centers by continually letting out the air in their tires whenever they’re parked at night.

    No one gets hurt, it doesn’t even damage the vehicles, but they have to tow them out, refill their tires and hopefully never come back.

    • krolden
      3 years ago

      Or fill their tires up with water so they go crazy trying to figure out whats wrong with their truck.

      If you’re gonna let the air out then also remove the valve stem internals with a valve stem tool (be sure to put the cap back on).

      Dont slash tires as that’s a huge waste of rubber.