I’m currently running Arch and it’s great, but I’m noticing I’m not staying on the ball in regards to updates. I’ve been reading a bit about Nix and NixOS and thinking of trying it as my daily driver. I’ve got a Lenovo x1 xtreme laptop, I don’t do much gaming (except OSRS), use firefox, jetbrains stuff, bitwarden, remmina, obsidian, and docker.

Is anyone running NixOS as their daily? How are you liking it and are there any pitfalls / stuff you wish you knew before?

  • jevans ⁂
    1 year ago

    I’m using it currently. Documentation is really annoying to deal with because it’s changing so quickly. I went with a flake + home manager setup and tried to keep my config as spartan as possible. Most of the configurations I found online use a ton of files an a deep tree of folders and I found that really hard to follow. You can look at my configuration here.