Their goal is to encourage the adoption of the fediverse by providing an extensive guide and lists of resources for the community. It uses the hashtags found on your profile to establish what your interests are. All you have to do is to add a supplied hasthtag #fedi22 to your profile, and then add the URL or webfinger for your profile.

Most ActivityPub projects are supported (eg. Mastodon, Pixelfed, etc), and your profile will automatically be re-crawled after 7 days so that updated hashtags can be linked.


#technology #fediverse #activitypub #fedi22 #discover

  • liwott
    12 years ago

    Does it work with lemmy btw? Not sure how much sense it makes given that one cannot follow a lemmy account, but who knows

    • GadgeteerZAOP
      12 years ago

      It should work yes, but their won’t be any follow button once the person arrives at the Lemmy profile. That said if you go to, you see see lost of “posts” so maybe following may show those posts elsewhere?

      • liwott
        22 years ago

        This account is indeed a Friendica account, so people can follow me. I was asking about Lemmy out of curiosity