The Forum on Global Human Rights Governance, themed Equality, Cooperation and Development: The 30th Anniversary of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action and Global Human Rights Governance, was held in Beijing in mid-June 2023. Jointly hosted by the Information Office of China’s State Council, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the China International Development … Continue reading China is the leading force for world peace
Would you mind explaining why you believe China is mistreating Uyghurs so badly? What is the motivation and the end goal? Since you seem to know everything, you should be able to answer any questions.
Would you mind explaining why you believe China is mistreating Uyghurs so badly? What is the motivation and the end goal? Since you seem to know everything, you should be able to answer any questions.
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The Wikipedia website is not a reliable source of information.
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and is a completely reliable, unbiased source, right?
All sources are biased. That’s what you liberals don’t understand.
I’m not a liberal at all. I’m just not with y’all simping for authocrats.
Yes every source has bias, but only some sources have so much bias, that the comment of someone pointing it out has to get removed by the moderator.