I there’s a loss in signal during game play, you lose the game
Oh that’s why that plug often lost connection
I love loss memes, keep em coming
I hate you.
Also in the larger pin array
whoa nice!
It’s loss isn’t it…
For all who do not understand it: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/loss
And here I thought DVI offered lossless signal transmission
Well done now get out
they even did it twice to drive the point home…jeez
Took a bit for the first, missed the other one. Damn.
DVI-L? More like DVI-Loss
Yeah I got it when I realized there’s no such thing as DVI-L haha
Ah ty for the clue
What am I supposed to… You sneaky bastard.
This cant be
This is AI generated for sure
I dunno, it could be, but at some point it becomes easier to just photoshop something than to try and talk an AI into replicating some hyper-specific arrangement of tiny elements of a picture.
Yep. The warbled surface defects are a dead giveaway