Migrated account from @CosmicTurtle@lemmy.world

  • 4 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: April 9th, 2024


  • The Winamp Collaborative License is a free, copyleft license for software and other kinds of works. It is designed to ensure that you have the freedom to use, Modify, and study the software, but with certain restrictions on the distribution of modifications to maintain the integrity and collaboration of the project.

    Oh god…

    No Distribution of Modified Versions: You may not distribute modified versions of the software, whether in source or binary form. No Forking: You may not create, maintain, or distribute a forked version of the software. Official Distribution: Only the maintainers of the official repository are allowed to distribute the software and its modifications.

    Copy left is not a protected term but yeah this is a shit license.

    And how the fuck do you contribute code back without forking the project?!

    EDIT: It looks like an issue has already been created and I absolutely love this thread where the license they are using is in violation of Github TOS.

    They should have just kept the source closed! The speculation is that whomever purchased it wants to crowdsource contributions without adding any value themselves.

  • I can only speak for myself and my experience as a former Christian.

    For many actually devout Christians, as in Christians who not only read the Bible but do their best to follow its teachings, would probably not believe it if someone went around and said he was Jesus. so regardless of what he said. It’s kind of like Half Life 3: they have an “image” of who Jesus is and he would look like an Arab, not the white hippie that we’re all used to seeing.

    The Christian Right uses religion as a way to justify their behavior, primarily their hatred. They don’t call it hatred. They call it God’s Love™.

    These are the assholes who hold up signs saying whatever is immoral because of some random verse in the Bible, as if that should somehow convince people that it’s right.

    They read Jesus’ message for love and understanding and say, “Oh, that’s nice! I do that everyday with the people I love!” 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

    But then they read Paul’s letters about judgment and casting people out and see that as “Well, if I don’t agree with you, it must mean I have to do this to you!”

    Again, it’s not about what the Bible says. It’s about what they use it for. They use it to feel good about themselves and to exert their power over others under the guise of Christian Love.

    They are blind to it because they don’t see their hypocrisy. They are, in fact, pharisees.

  • What you do now is let it go. Don’t hold onto the resentment because at the end of the day, they didn’t care enough to spend time with you. Some may have had good reasons. Others may not have.

    It’s their issue. The best you can do is to spend more time with the folks that did come. Ask the 5 friends (or one or two) if they want to do something with you next week. Pick an activity. Doesn’t matter what.