he is the worst regular in all of the treks I have seen (TOS/TNG/DS9/VOY/ENT)
his whole thing is representing White american baby boomer dudes
boring as shit
doesn’t belong in space
Torres can do so much better.
I don’t believe this shit about being such a hot shot pilot.
I think he was sent by the CIA.
Worf’s son Alexander seemed like a real little shit, ya know? I never thought about Tom Paris like that but I kinda get where you’re coming from
Worf was the worst father, any problems Alexander may have displayed were entirely Worf’s fault
And the writers who killed K’Ehleyr. She was so cool
I get killing her off from a dramatic perspective but they did it too early. If she’d stuck around for tng and then died in a season 4 ds9 episode it could have made Worf/Dax work better too
They would have made a great family
alexander is the best pre-teen child character they managed. compare to molly obrien. bleh.
he was a little shit but he was forced to live with Grumpy Worf so cant you see where he was coming from. correct instinct but imperfect analysis. but what’s a kiddo to do?
Nog was good. He was a troublesome little shit but his father and uncle constantly talked shit about his hopes and dreams (in early seasons - Later, Rom turned out pretty chill), and he was stuck on a boring space station watched over by a racist cop and run by a racist commander. Nog had a tough childhood
Nog was also played by someone who was 25 when the show started.
They did give Will Wheaton psychic powers so that was cool.
Star Trek Prodigy turned him into Kirkland Brand Dr. Who.
Did he ever do anything with them? I can’t remember
Not that I have seen, but I don’t think I am caught up.