GalaxyBrain [they/them]

  • 134 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: December 27th, 2020


  • I’m generally happy to chat with the dude and it was a fun story. He just caught me at a location I’d rather not have the chat at, I figured the spruce goose joke would fly (pun) caue he was stanning Howard Hughes and once he got to being sad about the dude I pointed out he was a robber baron during the depression and I’m sure numerous of his foundry co-workers ended out doing way worse in the end because of thar foundry work. He’s generally pretty engaging, I think I may have been too mask off with not caring about Mr house saving his piss when he was old and living in a Vegas hotel penthouse. Don’t get me wrong here, I don’t mind talking to people and will chat up strangers quite often. He just had a weird story I thought would be fun to share.

  • Couple days ago on my smoke break, an old dude who bummed a dart off me once and will now strike up a conversation for better or worse every time we meet (worse this time cause I wanted to walk further from work to spark a doob and he had me locked down). As a master of small talk I asked how he had handled the recent heat wave. He said he worked in a foundry since he was 19 so it was nbd. He then went on to say he worked for Howard Hughes. I said, “I’m guessing on The Spruce Goose.” he didn’t get it. Of course he just worked for a company that was owned by the dude way back. He then said he felt bad for the way he went out, I said I didn’t, fuck him. He then left.