Welp. It seems Twitter already suspended me. What they asked to restore my account is confirm my phone number. I’m not gonna dox myself giving it away.
Welp. It seems Twitter already suspended me. What they asked to restore my account is confirm my phone number. I’m not gonna dox myself giving it away.
They made me the same thing like 3 or 4 years ago for whistle-blowing a dude wearing a fascist flag as avatar (which is against Twitter Rules, allegedly, and even I flagged it), but the one getting banned until auto-doxing was me.
Damn. That hurts. They shot you for doing the right thing?
Honestly at this point I’ll just delete the account before Twitter bans me. A kamikaze suicide, or as the war boys in Mad Max say, “Witness Me.”
Anyone that references MadMax4 is my friend until demonstrated the contrary 🤝