I was recently in a conversation with a self-described MagaCommunist who held the position that the primary contradiction in the USA was that the financial owning class owned all of the means of production and that the contradictions of settler colonialism were secondary and could only be resolved through a workers’ state.
I realized that I hold the position that settler colonialism is the primary contradiction in the USA, but I also found that I struggled to articulate it effectively. I’m looking for your own thoughts or writings that I can study to learn more on this topic.
I think you’re absolutely correct in seeing settler colonialism as a primary contradiction in the imperial core. I think it should be prioritized at least as much as the class contradictions and should inform the revolutionary line as such. Looking at the US, Canada, etc as a prison house of nations and working to settle the national question through a line of self determination, special representation, reparations, and affirmative action is key to any positive socioeconomic movement here. This struggle goes hand in hand with class struggle, neither will be complete without the other. AES gives us many examples of this approach; first in my mind is the USSR
Can you expand on your point that the USSR gives us an example of an approach involving prioritizing the national question going hand in hand with prioritizing class struggle?