"Communism is the ideological system and ideal social system of the proletariat. The word communism comes from the Latin communis, which originally means “public”. The English term communism appeared in the 1830s. In 1848, K. Marx and F. Engels systematically expounded the basic principles of communism in the “Communist Manifesto”, and the “Communist Manifesto” became the programmatic document of the communist movement. The concept of communism includes three levels: communist thought, communist movement and communist system. Communist ideology is the ideological system of the proletariat, the communist movement is the revolutionary practice of the proletariat, and the communist system is the most ideal social system for mankind and the highest form of human social development. Communism as an ideal social system includes a socialist society in the primary stage and a communist society in the advanced stage. The commonly referred to as communism refers to the advanced stage of communism. At this stage, social products are extremely rich, people have a high degree of ideological awareness, and labor has become the first need of life. The three major differences between workers and peasants, urban and rural areas, mental labor, and manual labor have been eliminated. “The principle of distribution.”

Absolute chad moment.

  • ilyinichna@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    But that’s just propaganda because it knows you’re in a free democratic wholesome western country so it shows you different results to fool you!! The entirety of China is a Potemkin village designed to trick white people into thinking those filthy asiatics are more than just barbaric savages! Or was that North Korea? Hmm… hard to keep the propaganda straight sometimes