Didn’t Borat do this?
BIG Chugus
“Act natural, act natural, they can’t tell you’re nervous, just get a sip of water…”
Is there a hydrohomies community? Because I think I found their mascot.
Okay, but it does look good. I don’t even know if there’s ice in there, but it looks crisp.
This guy DRINKS
Pretty sure the carafe was meant to be shared and he could have poured some into a glass. Lol
That’s a beta move. Sigmas keep the carafe.
It’s just a really small guy. The microphones were taken from headsets.
I need this mug. Imagine ice cold water on tap with this.
Bro that’s a pitcher
Edit: Listen here, you little shits 😂
Yup, it’s a pitcher of a man drinkin’ ice cool water from a giant mug :D
hmm what would a catcher drink out of
Guys will see this and be like, “Hell yeah”
The pretzels were making him thirsty.
Always need a 2L stein of Smirnoff Ice for the big speeches
Dude was doing so good passing as sober until he pulled out his omg-I’m-really-fucking-high water cup.
“Just one gin and tonic tonight, I promise”
You beat me by one minute 😂