• Oatsteak@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    As a radical centrist the main thing you all need to understand is that I am better than you. Unlike you dogmatic cultists I am beyond ideology. I have no ideology, I simply follow the truth objectively. In other words, I see the world as it actually is. No filter, no ideology, just facts. As such I agree with some of the points on the left and some of the points of the right. For example, I think weed should be legal, but we shouldn’t give financial support to lazy unemployed people. I think Asian girls are hot, but I don’t support illegal immigration. I think women are inferior, but I am 10000% in support of sex workers. See what an original and dynamic thinker I am?? Unlike you brainwashed commies I can reach my own conclusions and I don’t disregard stuff just because it’s left wing or right wing.

    Goddd my farts smell so fucking goooood

  • KomradeK@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    There is no such thing as a centrist. Put even a small amount of pressure on a self-proclaimed “centrist” and 200% of the time they will immediately fall in line with the right wing narrative. Centrists are just right wingers in denial, or right wingers who don’t want to announce publicly that they are right wing. Sorry if that doesn’t really answer your question but this is my view regarding “centrists”.

    • pgtl_10@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      Mines too though I’ll add they are right wingers who pretend to be centrists so they can slowly infiltrate the left with right wing ideas. Also they pretend to be left to sabotage leftist ideas such as healthcare.

  • kretenkobr2@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    I have a friend who calls himself radical centrist. His ideal country is aggressive defense military policy, local capitalism and global state-controled economy.

    To elaborate, agressive defense means that they have tons of defensive weaponry on the border, but it is all immobile artillery/SAM/SSM.

    The administration in the country would be divided into localities of which each has areound 50000 population and capitalist market. However, above that is state-governed economy, which guarantees that local companies cannot become pan-local.

    As for government it would be Voted^tm in through Democracy^tm and there would be ultimate Freedom of Speech^tm and Press.^tm

    He also thinks Israel is great, if not the best country and deserves their ethno-state. Also thinks communists killed 60 million people and that the PLA is the greatest threat on Earth.

  • coluna_prestes@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    A liberal who tries to justify its bigotries against minorities via a veil of rationality and scientific mental gymnastics. They are also generally supportive of US imperialism via the same thought processes.

    They can’t wrap around their heads over identity politics, gender and racial movements on the left and think those are huge problems.

    The “intelectual dark web” is the epitome of the radical centrists (Sam Harris, Eric Weinstein, etc).

  • Arachno_Stalinist@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    Radical Centrism can have many meanings, and they can mean these things:

    • a) “Apolitical” or “Antipolitical” and wishes to keep it that way (basically one who is afraid of politics while being suspiciously active on right-wing political think tanks)
    • b) Contrarian who disagrees with everyone (basically right-libertarian in disguise)
    • c) “Oh hey let’s just exploit half the working class and eat half the rich. Okay?”
    • or d) Andrew Yang type (❌⬅️, ❌➡️, ✔️⬆️)
  • Rafael_Luisi@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    An very, VERY hardcore Pragmatist who is the incarnation of the idea of “I dont care who you are, as long you are helping me go where i want”, my country haved an stateman between 1930 and 1945, and years later from 51 to 54, an very famous phrase of him was “there is no enemy i cant befriend, and no ally i cant break up”. Those types of politicians are generally the smartest and most volatile types of people.