I don’t know if any of you remember this, but about a month ago I made a post that basically said: Russia is capitalist so we shouldn’t support it. I also made a couple other claims that were not entirely fact nor theory supported, nor did I even necessarily believe them. Anyway, I just wanted to state that I have developed a more nuanced view thanks to lemmygrad, and I wanted to say thanks to this community in particular for opening my eyes.

  • KevinDurant@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    It’s abstract universalism. The material reality is the Chinese-led sphere of influence is dependent on Russia’s survival against the American Empire.

    So analyzing this conflict through the lense of what country meets a universal ideological standard is abstract, the conflict is a real phenomenon

    And the key is that even though Russia is “capitalist”, it is an enemy of the capitalist center of the world, the White Hegemonic Empire.

    Russia’s success in the current reality is key to the success of socialism, regardless of Russia’s ideological desires.