I’ve just been reading about how in the future, AI will allow us to speak with animals, and people will be able to communicate telepathically and live in their own VR worlds. (etc., etc.)

Man, this isn’t a world I want to live in. I’m so tired of the constant paradigm shifting that you have to put your brain through with each innovation. I wish technology just stayed frozen in the 1980s – there would be so much less uncertainty in my life and I could just focus on being a human.

Innovation keeps being forced on you and I just feel tired. >!And I’m only just in my 20s!< Is this ok? Is this valid? When resisting it is a loser’s game…

  • Guy Dudeman@lemmy.world
    2 hours ago

    I fully agree. As a 43 year old, who used to be an “early adopter” I’ve found that I don’t fucking need it. I’m fine with retro games. I’m fine with talking on the phone instead of video conferences. I don’t need “social media”.

    On the other hand, I really like that my car doesn’t pollute. I really like that I can power my house from the sunlight that normally just hits my roof and is absorbed. I really like that I can work from home.

    There are tradeoffs. For me, what works, is just not giving a fuck. But in like, a content/nice way, instead of a nihilistic/depressed way. If you know what I mean?

    But being a Luddite does have its appeal. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luddite

  • immutable@lemm.ee
    2 hours ago

    I don’t think it’s weird to feel exhausted by the pace of innovation, especially when the innovation has nebulous value.

    I felt this way with the wave of “smart house” stuff. I’m a software engineer, I spend all day programming and debugging stuff. I do NOT want to spend 1 fucking second of my precious finite life debugging a fucking light bulb. Not one. Oh I can say “Alexa, red alert” and all my lightbulbs turn red, fucking fuck you. I don’t want my refrigerator connected to the internet, I don’t want my toaster monitoring my speech patterns to serve me ads and customize my toasting experience.

    To every shitbag manager out there tying to shove this garbage down our throats, fuck off and die. And you might think “you don’t like a smart (whatever) then don’t buy one.” Fuck you too, over time I fucking can’t. Try to buy a tv that isn’t a fucking smart tv, you just fucking can’t anymore. And slowly but surely everything you use turns into some shitty piece of fuck.

    The good news is that AI is probably a bubble. We’ve fed the sum total of the internet into our LLMs and we’ve gotten pretty convincing liars that are sometimes right. We are running out of data and 99 out of 100 uses of AI don’t make sense.

    I’ve been in the startup scene for my entire adult career and if you talk to people that try to jam AI into their products to make investors happy you’ll hear very similar things every time. It was incredibly expensive, no one used it, and no one liked it.

    There are some use cases for AI, but not nearly as much as what’s getting thrown at the wall. AI has been through many winters where progress stalls, the hype dies out, and AI winter begins.

    Final thought, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. People are enamored with using AI to make false memories (sorry, there comes a point where you’ve touched up a photo so much it isn’t reality anymore), destroying their ability to use their brains for critical thinking, art, writing, reading. You don’t have to. Those people might deeply regret not having a single real picture of their child. Maybe the clouds made the photo look bad, but now you can’t remember laughing as you ran through the rain.

    Our lives do not need to be curated and polished into some technicolor madness. Do what you want and in 20 years people will ask you “how are you so interesting and fulfilled” as they shovel AI garbage into their maw. I see a future that is similar to what happened to social media (I know, I’m using social media right now, we are all hypocrites). People working everyday to present some faux reality to others, jealous of everyone else’s faux realty, unhappy and unable to go 5 god damn minutes without a dopamine hit.

    The other day I had to wait for something, I sat and looked out the window at the beautiful trees rustling gently in the wind. I took in the glory of the world around me, I sat in peace and let my mind wander. These are skills too few enjoy these days because they let the future happen to them.

    You are in charge of your life.

    • cm0002@lemmy.world
      36 minutes ago

      Are you mad about the technology or the underlying reasons it was born of? Honestly most people’s anger towards tech isn’t about the tech itself, but what it’s really used for

      For example, the smart fridge, on paper most people would find it a fantastic idea. But then the user-hostile features set in. An internal camera could helpfully analyze everything in your fridge and put together an ez shopping list, but then in reality we kinda get that because it was designed around things like selling data collection and ADs and then designed to break in a year or 2 and take out half the fridge along with it because they want to make more money off you every 2 years

      Now take the smart fridge in a world with strong privacy and consumer protection laws (and maybe even a capitalism free world) and it would be totally different, not only would you get cool things designed properly with heart and soul, but it’ll also last a long time. Modern tech doesn’t have to be as fragile as it is, NASAs space probes and rovers and satellites prove time and time again that “High Tech” can last with proper design and manufacturing. In the depths of space their shit is routinely lasting their original mission lengths. In space, in the top 10 most hostile places we know.

    • XeroxCool@lemmy.world
      29 minutes ago

      So much anger, so much vulgarity. This is exactly how I describe each of these things. It’s fucking maddening. Add in resentment for another fucking app that, surprise, is a mediocre service disguising more marketing collection. But I’m the crazy one because I don’t want to just let it happen

    • SubArcticTundraOP
      2 hours ago

      I don’t want my refrigerator connected to the internet


      Try to buy a tv that isn’t a fucking smart tv, you just fucking can’t anymore.

      This is what I’m on about, resisting is a loser’s game, even if you try it gets too hard :-(

      what’s getting thrown at the wall.

      Ah, well noticed. Yeah I guess a lot of the smart toasters etc is just the industry throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks. You just reminded me how quickly 3D TVs disappeared after appearing.

      Our lives do not need to be curated and polished into some technicolor madness.

      Tell that to society 😩

      But yes, we are definitely on the same page.

  • sp3tr4l@lemmy.zip
    1 hour ago

    So, AI allowing us to speak with animals, people being able to communicate telepathically, people able to live entirely in their own VR worlds?

    At best, those are pipedreams, at worst they are bullshit sales pitches that will either never happen for products that can’t possibly work safely or as imagined.

    You can’t talk to animals if they don’t even have their own languages.

    Telepathy? As in mind to mind direct interface? Sure, talk to the people with exoskeletons or bionic eyes that can no longer be hardware or software maintained. Or you know all the Neurolink monkies and pigs that went insane and died of infection or bashing their heads into walls until they killed themselves.

    … Or you could just text things to people or call them.

    Live entirely in a VR world? Sure, there’s two ways to almost do that:

    1. Be extraordinarily wealthy such that you can afford butlers and a home that you never need to leave.

    2. Oh you’re poor? Well you can remote operate an android and be a robot butler or industrial worker.

    From my point of view, there has been technological progress, but very little of it is aimed at meaningfully improving the average person’s life, introducing some game changing systemic, society spanning thing that makes some very important, very costly thing, far far less expensive… in about a decade or so.

    We got to the point where basically any office job can be done remotely… and nope, can’t switch to a remote work paradigm because then commercial real estate market collapses and middle managers don’t need to exist anymore.

    We’ve had EVs for a while now… turns out their only marginally better for the environment, and more expensive. The real needed change is a switch to whoah remote working, combined with redesigning cities to have more extensive mass transit.

    I don’t know if you’ve played Stellaris, but in that game you have 3 simultaneous tech trees: Societal, Engineering, and Theoretical Physics.

    In the last two decades we’ve made progress in the latter, and basically none in the former.

    Well, we have the science to back up things like better social safety nets, UBI, better work life balance, reliable and affordable healthcare… but we don’t implement it.

    Technology can drive politics, and politics can drive technology.

    Our politics are capitalist. Tech is basically only implemented toward increasing profit. And almost always only in the short term. And almost always as cost saving measures, instead of actually improving a product.

    Innovation feels like its being forced on us… because it is. Top Down. Adapt or Die. And… that’s not really innovation anyway.

    We could live in a social order that treats employees as investments, trains them, pays for that training.

    Instead, we are costs. We are disposable. Its up to us to keep learning on our own time and dime, even though literally no one has any idea what specific skills will be needed next.

    … I’m getting a bit rambly here, but my basic point is that we haven’t had any meaningful major breakthroughs that improve the common person’s life in a while.

    Everything meaningful and new is aimed at the wealthy or ultra wealthy, as consumers, or as owners.

    Everything else is ‘pay in time or money to learn or use this new system or standard or else you’re unemployable.’

    If we did somehow invent a groundbreaking invention, like humanoid automatons with their own, self contained, ability to replace most human workers… the wealthy would just stop employing us, let us die.

  • Beacon@fedia.io
    42 minutes ago

    If i could freeze technology at a particular era it wouldn’t be the 80s. I think i would pick some time after social media existed but before it was weaponized. So like maybe early 2010’s. Up through about the early 2010s it seemed like tech was constantly making life better, but since then it seems like tech is increasingly making life worse

  • Graphy@lemmy.world
    2 hours ago

    Probably time to step back how much social media you’re consuming.

    Personally I find myself kinda saddened at how slow tech has advanced. I feel like it’s pivoted from creating new things to ruining old things.

    • TimLovesTech (AuDHD)(he/him)@badatbeing.social
      4 minutes ago

      Yeah, I think for 99% of people tech has really stopped evolving and we have allowed corporate bean counters to lock shit down and then abandon it. When the nerds ran the show we had innovation and constant improvement of a product because technology is awesome. Then capitalism killed it. Now you get a cool car with a shit infotainment system outdated and never updated the day you take delivery, when we could have some crazy shit with badass HUDs and sensors for everything. We could make it harder for assholes on the road to try and kill everyone. We could make all cars in the area aware of the road hazard driving 45 in a 55 during rush hour. None of that stuff makes the line graph go up though, so we wait for the next nerd with money and a desire to create the future.

    • rumschlumpel@feddit.org
      36 minutes ago

      Good luck ignoring social media nowadays. Whether you use them or not, you live in a society that does use them and you are impacted by its consequences.

      And good luck trying to buy a new television that isn’t “smart”. Even cars are getting like that.

      • originalucifer@moist.catsweat.com
        17 minutes ago

        haahha ive been runnin BBs’s since the early 90s, and currently running a fully federating fediverse implementation of mbin. im not scared of running social media stuff. doesnt mean i cant ignore garbage tech like any VR.

        and i only buy retail displays that dont include an onboard OS. they cost more, but theyre always worth it.

        cars? my 1980 toyota celica aint goin nowhere. i can rebuild the 20r in my sleep.

        i hate some of the new tech, but im also not afraid to completely work around it. you do you though

    • SubArcticTundraOP
      2 hours ago

      Maybe it’s aggravated by the fact that I do programming and the industry standard libraries constantly keep evolving each year. You’re stuck perpetually playing catch-up.

      • originalucifer@moist.catsweat.com
        2 hours ago

        yeah, im a full stack guy and im old and it sucks constantly having to learn for the job, but ya know it hasnt really changed all that much in the last 30 years. gen AI doesnt exist so its ‘revolution’ certainly isnt going to be pronounced before im retired.

        im certainly not afraid of some predictive generation as its nothing knew, its just [much] better than it was.

        you led with speaking with animals and virtual reality but that boiled down pretty quick didnt it?

  • rumschlumpel@feddit.org
    2 hours ago

    Cyberpunk authors have been introducing progress-hostile/‘go back to the past’ movements and factions since the 80s, arguably it’s older than cyberpunk-style technology itself (cyberpunk-style technology definitely being a thing that already exists, arguably since the www-internet but nowadays with VR, AI and electronically enhanced prostetics we’re definitely getting into the flashier stuff). And remember that the cyberpunk genre paints the future as bleak, in terms of how the common people live most cyberpunk worlds are clear downgrades compared to the actual 1980s.

    And e.g. the amish rejected the industrial revolution.

    • SubArcticTundraOP
      2 hours ago

      The Amish are a good point. Unfortunately being a Luddite gets quite logistically hard of you still want to be part of society

      • rumschlumpel@feddit.org
        2 hours ago

        Yeah, and the amish aren’t exactly a positive example in terms of personal freedom, especially for women and queer people. Though those were never their goals anyway, so a more modern luddite community might be nicer to live in.

  • criitz@reddthat.com
    2 hours ago

    I think it’s valid to feel this way. Even so, it’s impossible to stop the progress of time. You just have to find a way to balance this in your life. You don’t have to stay up to date in everything, either.

    • Subtracty@lemmy.world
      1 hour ago

      I would agree change is hard. And I believe change is inevitable. But is all of it really necessary?

      We are self-aware beings that can evaluate what technology has done and is going to do to individuals and society at large. Metrics for attention span, reading comprehension, social connection, and many more things are trending in damgerous directions already. Some change is not necessary and is objectively doing more harm than good.