Actions. I know too many people who ‘really meant to’ do that awesome thing but somehow never got around to it.
Actions. I know too many people who ‘really meant to’ do that awesome thing but somehow never got around to it.
My sister kept chickens for a while. They completely agree that chicken is delicious.
Highlander II
Liking Highlander II is so far out of my worldview that I didn’t realise it was an option. What was it you enjoyed about the film?
Modern medicine. I could live without my daily medication, but it would be life on hard mode.
I’ve eaten them before, and they’re basically leaves. 2/10. Would not recommend.
Getting a better handle on your attention
How would you recommend doing that?
The link goes directly to an invitation to buy your shirts. I don’t like that.
Get it on video. Every time you play it during his adult years, he’ll die inside a little more.
The plan is to implement the campaign described in the book, and possible some more creative explorations of the job system and society described in FATAL, while again minimizing more distasteful elements.
If you elevate FATAL from awful to mediocre, is it still worth paying attention to?
Whenever you talk, someone interrupts.
Lunchroom conversations are all politics, all the time.
You always finish your snacks while thinking there’s one more handful.
Your sister-in-law is eternally staying for a few days.
They’re never chocolate chips. They’re always raisins.
I find the way he presents himself to be fairly grating, but his recipes can be good. His corner shop curry method is now my preferred way of making curry at home.
I’ve used it successfully to memorise phone numbers, shopping lists, etc.
I said out loud at a Warhammer convention that space marines are just dolls for grown men.
Look for a Youtube video on the memory palace technique. It’s a method for indexing information in mental images to help recall. It’s simple and makes it much easier to commit things to memory.
The fact that planes are kept in the air by the shape of their wings, which forces air to go over at a pace when it can’t push down on the wing as hard as it can push up from underneath. It’s like discovering an exploitable glitch in a videogame and every time I fly I worry that the universe will get patched while I’m at 10,000 feet.
At work, yes. They made room for the handicap stall by narrowing the other stall to the point where my shoulders brush the walls. Too f’ing awkward.
I’m not American, so probably not until he escalates his messing with other countries to the bombs and guns stage.
Even when I was still on Reddit, I needed a friend to explain to me that Funko Pops don’t do anything - you just have them.
So really I think it’s just me.
It’s not just stupidity, it’s smug stupidity.