Technically, as much as I dislike it, there is nothing in liberalism to predispose a person towards racism.

Then why are so many self-proclaimed liberals/pro-western people so goddamn racist/chauvinist towards anything eastern?

Furthermore, Eastern liberals often hate their own country and get a hard-on for NATO/US invading them.

    2 years ago

    Generally Libs think that individuals will find success If they work hard. However, applying that on groups of people can easily “lead” to racist territory. Like, “black people are poor and therefore they are lazy”.

    Besides that, Libs are also usually so blinded by propaganda, that they arent able to understand how people can be against the “West”(cause for them the “West” is a set of moral values). They see that Anti-Western people are usually not white, -> therefore non whites dislike the West/“the values” -> therefore they are “savages” and so on.

    Edit: Also Lack of Education(and restriction of knowledge by News/schools). Westerners often times dont have that much historical knowledge. Like the Ukraine-Russia war, they think it spawned out of nowhere because Putin had a bad day or something. They see conflicts in a.vacuum.