If the taliban ever became communist I will eat my left foot. I would still be very happy, but its unlikely.
It would be the biggest spit on the US face to ever exist, imagine if the notoriously right wing relious extremists and anti communists that where being supported by the US 30-40 years ago, just decide to become communist just to piss off the west. Extremelly unlikely, but just as hillarious to think as the theory that Putin is secretelly an communist and will reenact that one simpsons scene just to piss off the west.
Islam is pretty open to socialism so it’s not a stretch
I thought they hated communism because they think its just about atheism.
Not quite.
religion will always in some way contradict socialism and communism
The funny thing is that if we look at the base of religions like christianism, Budhism, Islamism, etc, it usually talks about compassion, purity of spirit, inner peace, charity, igualitarism, love, and lots of others idealistic stuff. Jesus was basically an socialist, budha as well.
Whats with libs and fascists always using old forms of romanising chinese? Nobody fucking says Tse-Tung anymore. They typically use “koran” instead of “quran” too.
Can’t check because I forgot where I got it from, but IIRC this photo is Chinese foreign minister giving the “Governance of China” book to an official of Afghanistan’s new government. I’m guessing that’s what they inspired this cartoon on…