Hey comrades. I’m looking for Telegram or other sources to follow for updates. I follow intel slava but that’s all I know about for now. In particular, I’d like to find more photos of dead Azov. I’ve heard that they suffered “extinction-level losses”, and I would love to see that for myself, as well as other important updates from the front lines.

  • Z_Shurawi_Z@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    hmm i gave a though to your request and sadly i cant give you a channel with like only corpses and stuff although i see them regulary on bunch of different chnnels. ive seen some good @anna_news footge from mariupol with bunch of dead corpses two days ago (specificaly azov) but realy i dont know channels that post exclusively corpses. ive just now scrolled throyh my tg chanels and they all post some of it rarely. For accurate news i reccomend subscribing to Russia Ministry of Defense, and Donetsk and Luhansk peoples militia official tg channels(@nm_dnr and @millnr) @RVvoenkor and @anna_news are decent didnt see any fakes from them yet. @wargonzo and @sladkov_plus are pretty decent reporters on frontlines also. Apart from that i wouldnt really recommend any other tg channel that i follow. edit also @warfakes is pretty decent page, even reposted by russia mod