Events are the real dialectic of history. They transcend all reasoning, all personal judgements, all simple and irresponsible wishful thinking. Events, with the unbreakable logic of their development, teach the working and peasant masses, who are conscious of their destiny, these…
a stage in which the proletariat no longer finds in bourgeois legality … elementary guarantees and a defense of his basic right to life, liberty, personal dignity, and daily bread. He is forced to create his own legality, to create his own apparatus of resistance and defense. At certain moments in the life of the people this becomes an absolute historical necessity, and it transcends every desire, every wish, every whim, every personal impulse. Events present themselves as a universal fatality, with the engulfing rage of natural phenomena.
Looks like Gramsci saw the climate apocalypse coming.
Edit: and he saw a way out:
Men, as individuals and as a mass, are brutally thrust into facing this dilemma: guaranteed probability of death, or a slight chance of survival. A choice must be made. And men always choose the chance of survival, even if it’s slight, and even if the survival in question is grueling and miserable. They fight for these slight chances. And their impetus is such, and their passion is so great, that it smashes every obstacle and it overwhelms even the most frightening apparatus of power.
Looks like Gramsci saw the climate apocalypse coming.
Edit: and he saw a way out: