I am only posting this here, feel free to share.

Today Zelensky released a video supposedly proving he is still in Kiev, I doubt that this video is not edited.

Video archive link

low quality: https://web.archive.org/web/20220308093059/https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/v/t50.16885-16/10000000_1478561172539105_6653132960033516247_n.mp4?_nc_ht=scontent-ber1-1.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=1&_nc_ohc=LfAmWRo_8XYAX9qCRhN&edm=AJBgZrYBAAAA&ccb=7-4&oe=62296651&oh=00_AT-4QA0XbkLw_4XT5i5KZM_81G8szCV_fXrczcOhUzfdZQ&_nc_sid=78c662

First, we can frame, we can see the reflection of the phone in the window.

Note that it’s being held in portrait mode and no other reflections (i.e. light sources) are visible.

We do not see Zelensky himself yet.

At 5 second the video cuts to black, because it’s being turned. Note that this could be a place where the video is cut onto another video where we actually see Zelensky.

After we see Zelensky there are no matching reference points to the first video. We do not see the window, Zelensky doesn’t turn around and show himself together with the window.

Finally his speech: Everything up to 4:14 could be prerecorded.

After 4:14 it gets slightly more murky, I have no doubt the bread factory and the church can be false flags to make this video seem realistic. Similarly the mines, no proof has been shown, or an amount of mines been talked about.

Ukraine has the ability to have any single thing they say become news, it would be strange if they did not use it

However the fact that we never see Zelensky in one shot with the window, and the black frame make me think at least something in this video is doctored. The hallway is kept dark so I am unable to compare to older photos.

Second it’s strange that most of his press conferences and recordings the past week weren’t done in this nice room, but on a different chair against a white wall.

I don’t think the room (is a replica due to the close match of the pattern on the canvas behind him to older pictures (e.g. Poroshenko). The vents on the top of the room also match older photos (0:16). However he chair is not a chair in use by Zelensky in older pictures (see spoiler).

Finally, the video cut at (0:19) makes me suspicious. We are now not able to compare the tops or bottoms of the two flags, to see if these two parts were filmed at the same time. Nothing on his desk is shown in part one, again we can’t compare.

All evidence considered I have little doubt this was recorded in Kiev, however there seems to be some weird stuff going on. There were so many thing that could be done to prove the date, read out a headline unrelated to Ukraine, show a newspaper, talk about something specific Putin said. Have his interviews in that room.

