What is the point of this community, if we can’t have a discussion? I’ve been really disappointed with the ML stance on this war, and am not even allowed to publicly discuss my opinion in any existing ML community without my comment getting deleted.

This Rule : “No support nor defence of Ukraine, NATO or Western Imperialism” just encourages an echo chamber.

Really getting discouraged comrades. Do better.

  • dlefnemulb_rima@lemmygrad.ml
    3 years ago

    So which leftist viewpoint upholds the concept of a capitalist state’s right to sovereignty?

    Anarchists and MLs alike should support the people of Ukraine and Russia in resisting occupation by either state as both care not for their war dead and wounded but only for control of resources and power.

    Btw I don’t think you should be banned for arguing this, it is important we critically listen to the ppl most directly affected by this, while being careful not to uncritically absorb ultranationalist or capitalist propaganda.