• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      3 years ago

      My phrasing was referring to the ethnic minority of Russian by the Ukrainian census

      A rather arbitrary separation on your part. Russian speaking Ukrainians have a lot in common with Russians, and this demographic is in no way a minority. Meanwhile, western backed regime literally outlawed the use of Russian in the country. I’m old enough to remember all the cries about cultural genocide in Xinjiang because Uyghurs had to learn Chinese and China hasn’t even banned Uyghur language. Shouldn’t we be applying the same standards in Ukraine?

      Ah yes, because running a referendum where the options are skewed in favour of the instigator while you have troops present in that country’s land is really cool and democratic.

      Funny how you chose to ignore the fact that Crimea is populated by Russians. I guess that doesn’t fit the narrative you’re trying to create.

      But seriously, I have to call you out on this again, there is little substance here that links them outside of Katchanovski’s article which is not remotely trustworthy.

      Once again you’re showing incredible amounts of dishonesty here. There’s really nothing else to say here.

      Ah yes, all westerners are, including me, condone the actions of our governments all the time. We definitely do not protest or oppose these organisations either. Once again, you’re just screaming into the void and it’s sad.

      If you disapprove of the actions of your government and aren’t able to hold it accountable you have no business screeching about Russia. It’s really that simple.

      Meanwhile, the media coverage of what’s happening in Ukraine is on a completely different level from media coverage of exact same things being done by western powers. Pretending that Ukraine is somehow an outlier that everyone should focus on directly helps cover for ongoing western crimes.

      BRUH, You don’t even know me, seriously.

      BRUH, I’ve seen you here bloviating exclusively about Ukraine and nothing else. If you care about the horrors that your government engages in equally as much it’s rather weird that you only talk about Ukraine.

      Dude, you literally said this, I can’t help you if you don’t even know what you say anymore.

      I literally provided context for what I said that you ignored to make your straw man.

      Anyway, no one wants a war. The west didn’t start the war, Ukraine has a right to defend itself and countries have the right to support Ukraine’s existence, Ukraine has a right to defend its sovereignty when it is violated by another actor.

      The west is directly responsible for creating the situation that led to the war starting with overthrowing the government in Ukraine in 2014. Continuing the narrative that west did nothing wrong isn’t helping anything. The west cynically used Ukraine and then discarded it. That’s what actually happened.

      Effectively your viewpoint is where you blame the the west for sacrificing Ukrainians because Russia attacked. Just no…

      No, my view point is that the west should find a way to negotiate with Russia instead of pushing us towards a world war. If you can’t understand that then there’s nothing else to say to you.

      Ah yes, because annexation is a reasonable response to a neighbouring nation in crisis when a coup occurs.

      Once again you’re doing moralizing. The invasion happened, and no amount of grandstanding is going to change that. The question now is how to reduce human suffering and avoid a world war. Anybody who is not utterly insane understands this, but you evidently do not.

      You literally deserve no respect now. It was fun and I have tried to be nice but… you weirdly support a fascist regime and you’re actually racist.

      I’ve repeatedly denounced Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and stated that it’s utterly unjustified. I love how you ignore that and keep claiming that I support the invasion. You’re an intellectually dishonest individual.

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
          3 years ago

          And yet, it’s part of Ukraine! With a referendum observed by Russia and not Ukraine… interesting.

          Yes, it’s so interesting that a bunch of Russians didn’t want to be part of Ukraine after the regime outlawed the use of Russian language. You are a very smart person indeed!

          Once again, you do not know me outside of this platform or the actions I do elsewhere. You can’t assert shit here.

          I can only judge you by the way you behave on this platform, and that doesn’t paint a pretty picture.

          This line of logic is a stretch and suggesting I am continuing a narrative that the west did nothing wrong is also wrong. Good try though!

          Please show me where you acknowledge the fact that the west is responsible for creating this situation.

          However, you are assuming that this isn’t happening? What mystical source can you conjure that implies the west has done absolutely nothing to de-escalate? This baseless shit feeds into propaganda.

          Please be specific what actions you’re claiming the west is taking to de-escalate. Is it sending weapons and mercenaries to fight in Ukraine, doing sanctions, or cancelling anything related to Russia?

          Grandstanding isn’t the objective here, you rationalise propaganda, you link propaganda and if you didn’t respond to messages I would have suspected that you were a propaganda bot.

          You’re literally the one engaging in propaganda here. You keep parroting the NATO narrative like the bot that you are. Literally all your account activity has been doing that.

          To really exemplify this: You have literally linked a conspiracy theory article!

          I have not, and you keep calling it that won’t change facts.

          It reads like propaganda because you are spouting propaganda.

          Literally how your every single comment reads.

          Says the person who has literally linked a conspiracy theory articles and tried to pass it off as legitimate source of information.

          Continuing to claim that is precisely intellectual dishonesty I’m talking about.

          Ah yes, the classic “Well you haven’t fixed your government, you can’t comment on other governments” angle. Before ‘screeching’ as you have said about the west or anything else, fix things with your own government then :)

          I live in the west you dumb propaganda bot.

          Once again! Your responses give me a great chuckle :)

            • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
              3 years ago

              You say this while also ignoring the rest of the situation surrounding it! Once again! Interesting!

              Why don’t you enlighten us about the “rest of the situation”.

              So you make shit up… got it.

              Look at your comment history.

              Nah, it’s more fun if you go back and read what I have written


              You have linked a Katchanovski article which is debunkable by visiting the references and checking to see if they are legitimate and correlating it with the argument that they are made with.

              I’ve linked a bunch of articles from western media supporting what I’m saying, curious that you ignore all that. You’re such a sad troll.

              You will get a very clear picture that this guy has literally fabricated resources for his research paper and commits academic dishonesty.

              You keep saying that, I guess it just doesn’t fit the narrative you’re trying to paint.

              Cool! So you going to address the problem with your government then?

              By acknowledging what it does and educating people about it. What exactly do you do except spreading propaganda for the west?

              It’s really cute that you are copying me! Here’s hoping you can copy me by being a better person :)

              Keep telling yourself whatever helps you sleep at night I guess.

                • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
                  3 years ago

                  I have and you have ignored it, like usual. So… no surprise there!

                  I haven’t ignored anything.

                  Which just says how I interact with you, not necessarily what I believe outside of this or what I do outside of this thread.

                  You practically have no other comment history aside from arguing nonsense about Ukraine.

                  I’m sorry you suck at reading, if I had known :(


                  Do they? Please read them buddy! I literally responded to your bullshit with your own resources and you failed to make a decent rebuttal to counter my points.

                  I’m sorry you suck at reading, if I had known :(

                  So the fact you haven’t rebutted majority of my posts


                  I sleep fine sweetie and I can tell you’re hurt because you had a little cry session with your friends in another thread :)

                  The fact that you keep coming back to this thread tells me just how bothered you actually are inside. You can hide from yourself, but you can’t hide from me sweetie.

                  • ziproot
                    3 years ago

                    Both of you are making logical fallacies, because it’s almost impossible to have a debate between two humans without people making logical fallacies. We think emotionally, not logically, and this is an issue that clearly you are passionate about. However, it is possible to have a discussion without resorting to insults.

                    Thank you to ahtoms for being the one to back down.