“If only there were a single, streamlined product we could point new players to, a concise entry point that explained the rules, introduced the setting, and made it all effortless to learn and play. Something that showcased what makes this fantasy RPG unique. Oh wait, now there is… If you have ever been even mildly curious about Glorantha or Runequest, here is your chance to explore. You will know exactly after exploring the Starter Set if this is the game for you.”

— Andrew Logan Montgomery

  • Graveyard Leprechaun
    3 years ago

    The fact that there are still dedicated writers and fans to keep adding new content to the game after all these years is a testament to it’s impact and popularity. Thinking multiple editions of a thing is somehow a ‘curse’ seems like an awfully narrow viewpoint to take, in my opinion. If you don’t care for the game, that’s your choice but obviously there are enough people out there who ARE impressed by it to keep it going for the last thirty years or so.

    • ttmrichter
      3 years ago

      Oh, don’t get me wrong. I’m a huge fan of BRP (though not to much Glorantha proper). I just think it’s tragic that after 2E it jumped publishers so many times: Avalon Hill then Mongoose then … I want to say Design Group? … then Moon Design then back to Chaosium (and I’m sure I’ve missed a publisher or ten in that list).

      Each time it’s a complete restart and republication of the existing materials with frills added. Think of what could have been done with constant ongoing development instead.

      BRP is a powerhouse of a game engine that has driven so many games I’m hard-pressed to list even a quarter of them. It is greatly malleable and yet retains a nice simplicity and elegance at the core. I’d love to have seen how it would have grown if so much energy weren’t spent on just republishing the one game over and over again every 5 years.

      • Graveyard Leprechaun
        3 years ago

        That’s fair. My guess is that you’ll find more actually progressive material created by the fanbase. At least that’s pretty much been my experience with just about every game out there. :P