Minimum wage job with no health care and I have high health care costs so paying for my meds out of pocket sucks a lot.

What should I do now to improve my life?

Sorry about the question being super broad, but i’m not sure what to do from here. Save up money? Try to get a better job? Trade school? Investments? Dating? Etc

  • greensand
    2 years ago

    I’ll reply very generally (since I don’t know about your exact circumstances), just to point in the right direction:

    Save up money? – Whenever you can. Try to get a better job? – Yes, especially when you’re struggling. Trade school? – If getting a better job doesn’t work. Investments? – Absolutely not. Dating? – Go for it if your heart tells you so.

    I wish you the best of luck & never give up hopes!

    2 years ago

    Maybe you can get some kind of assistance for paying for meds? Think about what you want to do in life. Try to enjoy your stable life and the little things that you can afford.

    Investments no, you don’t have money and they only work if you have money.