    62 years ago

    It is an intentional cooldown? I never know that, sometimes I always forcing CCCCCCCC^C it to create a placebo effect of it gets canceled faster.

    • @AgreeableLandscapeOPM
      92 years ago

      It knows if your password is correct almost instantly by hashing it and checking it against the hash in /etc/shadow. It’s intentionally blocking the thread to help mitigate bruteforcing.

  • Sr Estegosaurio
    42 years ago

    I just reboot my computer or just login on the root account

    • @pinknoise
      62 years ago

      GRUB told me I had to wait 120s when I was so drunk I entered the wrong LUKS password 3 times in a row. Even in that state of mind I figured I could just restart it :D

    • krolden
      12 years ago

      What if you’re not in the power group?