I would really like to ditch Steam in favour of a native GTK application which integrates better with my system and which is also libre software.

Does anyone know how well it works? Can I truly replace the Steam client with this or does it still have a lot of lacking features?

    • ghost_laptopOP
      3 years ago

      Yeah, I think my ideal would be a native GTK, open source client for Steam, since anyway there are already clients for Epic and GOG, I assume that since Steam has Wine/Proton support people did not care that much to create an alternative to it.

      Regarding the loading time Steam takes more time to load for me, since it usually goes like this: I open it, it logs in, it tries to fetch updates, it finally opens, and then it takes like 2 or 3 seconds until it responds. It does have a Flatpak, it just doesn’t work that well.