and instead called them “pardner”
(I thought this was an important enough thought to post on main.)
what if
instead of pistols at sundown
we kissed?
👉 👈
kisstles at sundown
deleted by creator
all in favor shout “yeehaw”
Although there is something to be said about the defanged passion of the term partner. And not that husband or girlfriend or whatever innately implies passion, but rather I think we need a new word that gets us closer to one another, or several others. Something in between lover (which feels very transient) and partner (which feels very technical) — let us invoke Dionysus
There are lovers and there are haters. That’s it.
Unfortunately I have a hater wife.
very sad but big if true.
I cringe a bunch if someone refers to their partner as “lover”. Idk why
It has a kind of wealthy-Victorian-playboy-on-the-fringes-of-polite-society air to it.
I see it a lot in the kink community I guess
romantic sexfriend?
Too descriptive; it becomes impersonal
Yee, and furthermore, HAW
Shootout at the bukkake corral
Whoa there feller! You’ll skeet your eye out with that thing!
“We’re gooners, in a world that don’t want us no more.” – Dutch-oven van der Linde
Movie Ram Ranch
The assfucking of Jesse James by the cummer Robert Ford
yee haw
What if we started calling our lovers “panthers”
People really don’t do enough moseying
Move to Michigan if you like tongue tapping t’s so much!
tbh I’ve never like the term “partner.” I know it’s supposed to be sort of gender neutral, but it always sounds so corporate and lacking in intimacy whenever someone says it. I’d much prefer if we used “lover.” Much more beautiful of a term.
Same. I understand the need for a gender neutral word, but the world we are trying to build is based on love, passion and art. I don’t want brutalism to permeate the language when nicer, more thoughtful words exist that people won’t object to.
It almost feels like a solution looking for a problem in the way that someone identified the fact that “husband” and “wife” can be problematic, but instead went towards the clinical instead of the soulful
where the fuck did your Dirt_ go
are you telling me there were two owls on the site the whole time?
Oh no. Nobody tell her how many there actually are.
No honey im not getting drunk at the bar, im at the saloon