keepcarrot [she/her]

  • 39 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 3rd, 2021


  • Among young single guys, there’s this idea that sex is the most pleasurable, meaningful experience you could have. But even they don’t really believe it.

    If they look deep down, actual sex doesn’t really matter. Not the pleasure, not the mutual engagement in an activity with someone who wants to do it with you, no. What really matters is that your (masculine) friends believe you’re the sort of person that could get laid. And not just laid, but laid by people they think of as hot. Valuable. That someone would give it up to say they had been with you, someone that acts as a gatekeeper to how seriously your friends will take you.

    And what else could sex be used for? Mass producing the next generation of your nation’s soldiers and workers, something that floats around in the back of a dude’s mind.

    Pleasure is a distant third for motivating the sorts of weirdness and violence that cishet men have around sex.