I have 291 episodes named tv.show.01.mp4 to tv.show.291.mp4 and i want rename them to be named like Tv Show Episode S01E01.mp4. I use Linux so please suggest only FOSS compatible programs
I use KRename for renaming multiple files.
+1 for krename, otherwise if the new filenames are complex and should be calcolated I use python
I second krename. Works flawlesly for me.
You can take a look at “sonarr”, it’s made for managing your tv-shows and it can automatic rename and organize your files, with customizable naming schem.
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I use gnome but i think i can install dolphin aside Gnome files. Thanks!
Dolphin has that ability built in. If you use it, highlight all of the episodes and press f2. Pretty self explanatory from there.
This ^
how can you identify season from the file name?
One approach: Look up what TV show has 291 episodes; land on this Wikipedia page which gives you the season lengths.
good and fun idea ;)
you can try rename: https://www.man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/rename.1.html
rename 's/expression/replacement/' filename
select range of episodes per season then add season number (eg S01) in replacement string.
then restart numbering for next set of episodes (eg 01 to 12) and add S02. and so on. more tedious than the gui Rename method but doable.
Why not just do this with a for loop in the terminal? I don’t think you need to over complicate it by downloading another program.
If I was able to do that i would not have asked here lol
If the names don’t have any break for seasons, or the name of the episode, I think it’s going to take a couple steps. Renaming is easy, but you’re adding info that’s not in the name. I can only suggest trying something like tvnamer, or search for a similar project.
This can be done natively in Thunar if you happen to use XFCE.
you can usezmv
for this. Another command line solution isfind
but it’s a bit harder to figure out the correct command in my experience.Please don’t use spaces in your *nix filenames, that is just bad. To answer your question, use a bash script. Chatgpt can probably even make it for you if you don’t know how to write it.
I know but jellyfin suggest to use that type of nomenclature so…
If you want to use spaces in filenames, it’s a good reason to write in something other than shell; although modern shells can be made to work with spaces in filenames safely, it’s still fiddly.
I use the bulk renamer from thunar https://docs.xfce.org/xfce/thunar/bulk-renamer/start
I use nomino for this purpose.
krenamer can do this. It just is a regex front end. You could do it with a shell script too.
That’s what i started using :)
There are various GUI tools (eg., gprename, krename) but I prefer qmv, a CLI tool from the renameutils package. It opens filenames into a vim (or your default editor) session, with which you can use global regex search/replace commands to rename files.