So, I experimented with running a mastodon instance on another domain. Due to issues with the “cache” directory actually requiring persistence, and thus somehow making all custom emojis 404, I decided to wipe it and try a different fediverse server on that domain. I didn’t know about or expect to need to run tootctl self-destruct, so I dropped the database and installed something else. I still have the instance key around, but I realize I should have unsubscribed/deleted all accounts first. Is my other domain now broken permanently for the fediverse? Can I somehow use the extant instance key to unbreak it? I can’t find clear documentation of the mastodon cryptosystem, and if it’s permanent, this feels like a denial-of-service vector more than a security feature…

  • poVoq
    311 months ago

    Hmm, good question. I was wondering the same about a possible switch to kbin on the same domain.

    I would guess that remote instances stop trying to push their updates after a while if there are constant errors?

    • @dragnucs
      311 months ago

      Yes, most serveurs will stop sending you updates after a period of downtime or errors.

    • @kosmo@satl.inkOP
      111 months ago

      I expect that should be fine, but there’s a URL signature scheme that is apparently involved, I’m worried that should I turn up a new instance, it won’t federate with e.g.