Popcorn is ready.

  • Shrek
    3211 months ago

    I figured why wait to make the switch, hence this comment is here, and not on Reddit.

    • @CheshireSnake
      11 months ago

      I’ll be honest - I don’t think I’ll stop using reddit completely. There are just too many subs there that aren’t here that I’m interested in. I might just use reddit whenever I’m on pc (which would be far far less since I’m usually on mobile). I’m still staying here, though, and try to be as active as I can.

      • @balderdash9@beehaw.org
        11 months ago

        And let’s be honest: reddit has some of the best NSFW content on the internet. Extremely specific interests all curated into their own respective subs. In many cases, this content goes back years

            • fishy 2.0 (he/him)
              811 months ago

              not that big a shock if you consider the amount of work it is to moderate that kind of thing reddit has shittons of money to make sure illegal things are not on the site unlike instances here that run on donations

              • @JonEFive@lemmy.one
                511 months ago

                I tend to agree. While I haven’t gone looking for NSFW friendly instances, all of the instances that I looked at before selecting one don’t allow NSFW content pretty much for that exact reason. They don’t want to deal with hosting and moderating it.

                • @676@lemmy.ca
                  411 months ago

                  Do you host it though? Is there an option like before Reddit hosted images? I’d imagine that would make it easier for NSFW content creators to post cross sites.

                  The moderation though, sounds ridiculously impossible

        • @manifex@sh.itjust.works
          511 months ago

          best NSFW content

          Yes, the best of it is community driven, but even that is being taken over by Only Fans shills and bots. Once the community gets here, it will be jazz hands.

      • @artic
        611 months ago

        i am using adblock on desktop and use revanced manager to patch out ads on mobile so that they get nothing :) from this

    • em2OP
      711 months ago

      I’m in the same boat as you, but I’m hoping to see Reddit experience the consequences of their greed.

      • Shrek
        811 months ago

        If they don’t change course they will. But even if they do change course on API fees, if they still plan on an ipo, then its only a matter of time until they find another way to enshitify their site.

    • @stoicandanxious@beehaw.org
      211 months ago

      Same. The upcoming API change was really just the final straw that I felt personally that the reddit that I’ve used well over a decade was no longer where I wanted to be. I didn’t want to become targeted and used for someones profit (with the upcoming reddit IPO). Really I’ve felt that way since the redesign and the official app came out. Just finally was bothered enough to make the switch.

  • elouboub
    911 months ago

    I bet they’ll backpedal hard and if not … KEKW

    • @foopo666@sopuli.xyz
      1111 months ago

      I feel like the vast majority of casual users won’t really bother switching. I only bothered cos Reddit was the only thing even remotely close to social media that I used

      • Ohbs
        611 months ago

        That’s what I was wondering, if it would feel less like a “great migration” and more like a “great filtration.” Which ideally would mean varied yet like-minded users, if that somehow makes sense.

        • @chaoticPuppies
          411 months ago

          That is a great way to look at it. I left FB at least 10 years ago. I ended up arguing with a family member and realized how pointlessly stupid the entire platform was for me. I didn’t use social media other than reddit for nearly a decade.

          It’s just time to move on to the next thing. It’s weird because that jump has to happen with other people but not too many.

      • @manifex@sh.itjust.works
        211 months ago

        Per social media, it was my only personal one. I started my own community and ran it for years on their site. The reason I left is because it’s becoming blatantly obvious that money is driving decisions. While that’s a valid way to decide things, it’s not how I decide, nor want my interactions with others decided.

    • @teruma@beehaw.org
      311 months ago

      They won’t. They’ve already done this math and hsve the power to reverse most of the damage we can do. Anything that isn’t “users stop using the site altogether”, they can repair with either sdmin powers or paying people, and it demonstates to investors that they care about money over people, which encourages profit.

  • bob
    511 months ago

    What is happening on July 1st?

      • em2OP
        1011 months ago

        In addition to 3rd party apps dying, so will the helpful bots that help moderate, help you easily save a video or identify a song, or even Reddit Enhancement Suite.

  • @abraxas
    511 months ago

    You mean June 12th?

    • Provoked Gamer
      1911 months ago

      I mean, June 12th is the blackout so there will be a wave then, but there’ll probably be a bigger exodus on July 1st because that’s when Reddit is going to enforce the API pricing and changes.

  • @Sarcasmo220
    211 months ago

    The same for me, except I am going to watch my work’s computer system implode as it is switching to something entirely new on July 1

    • em2OP
      111 months ago

      Oof. Best of luck. Sounds like it’s about time to go on a vacation!