So far, president Vladimir Putin and top-level Russian government figures have hinted at taking Kharkov, Odessa and 3 other regions. What do you think is going to be their way of solving the crisis in Ukraine, depending on the particular way the West and their fascist puppet in Kiev choose to go? Which way do you think is the most rational?

    8 months ago

    As mentioned by Yogthos, Putin has decreed due to repeated use of long-range western weapons for terror attacks on civilians they need a buffer zone.

    I think at this point the 3 eastern secessionist territories that have formally joined Russia are going to be part of Russia, that’s simply off the table. What Putin is now threatening is to seize more of the country. I believe he is doing this because it may actually be necessary and also in an attempt to give them something to bargain over with the west and the Ukraine in negotiations. Basically a threat, that they’ve already lost these territories and are not getting them back, that’s off the table but if they don’t come to the table, be reasonable, meet Russia’s original demands then they will lose a lot more but if they are willing to meet them Russia will almost certainly guarantee the territorial integrity of Ukraine minus the break-away regions part of Russia already legally and of course Crimea.

    Things are getting interesting again because I read the EU money for $50billion of money for weapons and such for the Ukraine has cleared and honestly I do expect Biden to give the Republicans enough of a sweetheart deal on the border that they agree to his package for Ukraine. He might have to settle for a watered down version that only gives them enough funding to last through part of the rest of his term but I believe he’ll get them something even if he has to personally go to the Mexican border and bayonet a child on camera. Then again there is a chance, slim but growing that Trump pressures the congressional Republicans not to give him a thing because they want to use the border thing as a talking point for their base and giving him a win in any way waters down that talking point.

    The ball has been in the west’s court for some time as to what happens. Russia has to stay the course though there are more and less ideal end-games and short of a coup in Ukraine against the western puppets the less desireable end-state is more likely. Europe is talking of war and it seems like they are genuinely gearing up to throw themselves at Russia within 4-5 years after they’ve had time to replenish and re-arm themselves. The US may actually push them into this as their Ukraine plan and sanctions have failed to take Russia out and they want Russia out of the picture for their confrontation with China. Maybe they have Europe attack Russia and weaken and drain them and they in turn gather their Asian pawns and instigate over Taiwan and attack China or maybe it’s just taking out Europe as a competitor and possible partner for China/Russia while also suicide-running and counting on taking out at least Russia for a time with them.