to start: after some consideration, we’ve altered our entry question a little bit so that entry is not guaranteed. during the daytime you can basically expect waits of 30 minutes or less when it comes to approval/disapproval, but overnight it’ll be anywhere from 6-12 hours. just FYI

if you’d like to introduce yourself without it getting lost in all the posts already made, i just made a thread for that over here

our sidebar should give you most of the information you’re looking for about us, but to reiterate some: we are pretty relaxed here, but we have a well carved out understanding of what we want to be. if you would like more elaboration on that, you can find elaboration on that at length in the following two posts:

for some less lengthy and more relaxed elaboration, see the discussion in the comments of this post.

as for funding: we are 100% user-funded. if you would like to contribute to our ability to keep the website up, you can donate on OpenCollective, which supports both one-time donations or monthly donations.

a few other questions occasionally pop up like “why do we have the set of communities we do?” and “why can’t people make their own?” (the latter is a feature of lemmy). for elaboration on that, you can see the following post and the discussions here. we are open to suggestions and creating communities as demand sees fit; see also discussion here.

downvotes are disabled on this instance and that’s a thing we’re not liable to change. if you’d like elaboration for why that is, see this comment. this may be a point of friction for some coming from reddit, but i hope you’ll understand why we’re doing it even if you don’t necessarily agree with it.

if you’re interested in our governance to this point and a brief idea of our long term goals, see the comment here.

feel free to sound off on other questions you have; i’ll try to update the OP with those and our ability to answer them as time goes on.

    2411 months ago

    Glad to have another excuse to drop a walled-garden platform. After a few months my mastodon feed has become more engaging than my twitter ever was, and I’m looking forward to joining some communities of excellent people here!

      1211 months ago

      This place is way more alive than when I signed up, I’m getting excited!

      I’ve hated walled gardens for a long time and I’m glad to see a lot of users are heading for federated alternatives. It strips away all of the weird tracking and algorithms and just lets us interact normally.

      • OOFshoot
        611 months ago

        It really shows how much the engagement algorithms favor rage-bait, doesn’t it?

          811 months ago

          Yeah it’s so freaking weird. Any reasonable person building a reasonable social network would promote interconnectedness and positive social behavior. Yet all the major social networks seem to promote angry behavior and angry people. I’m so glad that more and more people are choosing to “leave the matrix”. I would love to see if future where everything social media is federated and algorithms are optional at most.

          • fishy 2.0 (he/him)
            311 months ago

            my guess is its that way because it drives more attention to the site sure drama can be harmful to the person but for the site its a goldmine of people going to see whats happening and seeing ads and driving up usage metrics

          511 months ago

          Yes. It’s surprising how different it is when it’s just a generic algorithm.

          Most platforms got progressively worse over the last decade and being here makes me realise how far we fell.

    2011 months ago

    Been with Reddit since the early days, just after the migration from Digg. This is my first federated service and I love the idea. I don’t use social media outside of Reddit so while I heard of Mastadon, I didn’t really know what it was. Big companies like to run stuff into the ground.

      1611 months ago

      I’m really liking the idea of Lemmy.

      Mastodon, like Twitter, I just don’t really “get”. Why follow people? I want to follow topics, ideas. Centering conversations on who started them, rather than what they are about, seems strange.

        811 months ago

        I never understood Twitter or used it much except occasionally to follow links from news reports or check on the status of sites that went down. I am prone to writing longer posts than fit within the character limit and also like reading more in depth content than you get with such a short character limit, so mostly Twitter didn’t seem like my sort of environment.

        Even so, I was curious about the exodus to Mastodon and tried it and Calckey out. I found lots of introductions by scientists and started following their hashtags and following individual scientists in a variety of fields that I was curious about and some of them provide links to pretty interesting articles and books in their fields. I am starting to understand the appeal of following people. Sometimes the right people can provide an inside look at a topic or serve as a curator of decent quality links relating to their area of knowledge that you might not be exposed to through lay people with the same interest.

        511 months ago

        You can follow hashtags on Mastodon. If you find yourself interacting with anyone in particular, it can be nice to follow them to broaden your interactions, but that’s not required to get something out of it.

    • Papamousse
      411 months ago

      Same for me, it was digg then Reddit since September 2010 IIRC. Never used discord, twitter, etc.

    2011 months ago

    I’m glad there’s a free, open source, federated version of the thing I’ve been using for years. 4 years on digg I believe, and 13 on reddit. The more I think about the history of discussion forums like this. It probably should have been federated in the first place rather than trying to be a centralized thing.

    anyway, glad to be here.

        411 months ago

        Represent! Love being a part of history. I’ll tell my kids about this some day.

        Somehow “the first rule of reddit” got forgotten, and suddenly everyone knew about it. That’s about when it went downhill.

    1911 months ago

    Thanks for the quick approval, I’m here after the reddit news.

    Besides, I think I needed to get off reddit anyway, the discussions there are getting stale and repetitive for years now

    Here’s to a good community

    1711 months ago

    Hi all. Another refugee from reddit that just joined today. Thanks for letting me in!

    I haven’t given up entirely on reddit, but I’m getting pretty darn close. Been a redditor for nearly 13yrs now. I’ve also been on Tildes for 4yrs now. I’ve tried various reddit-likes over the years including Imzy and Voat (before it turned into a raging cesspool).

    Anyway, let’s see how this fediverse stuff goes. Not sure I entirely understand how federated services work, but excited to find out.

    • OOFshoot
      11 months ago

      I looked at Voat on day 1. I’m willing to say it wasn’t a cesspool for about 3 days. It got pretty hard to enjoy being there pretty quickly.

      Edit: It was nice while it lasted though :P

        711 months ago

        You’re right. I guess I forgot that people migrated to Voat in the wake of FPH and other hate-filled subreddits getting banned. So Voat got pretty awful pretty quick.

        • @XLRV
          311 months ago

          That’s sad, Voat was pretty well made.

            • @XLRV
              411 months ago

              Yeah true, it was a well made reddit clone, but I agree, Lemmy working with the fediverse has its avantages, it should prevent what happened here.

    1611 months ago

    Hello, all - YARR (Yet Another Reddit Refugee).

    The coming shutdown of all 3rd party Reddit apps finally pushed me into action. I’ve been enjoying Mastodon and excited to checkout Lemmy

  • DJDarren
    1611 months ago

    Ahoy! I originally joined here a few weeks ago, when Reddit first started rumbling about charging for API access, but didn’t really post anything until today.

    So hello all!

    Quick question: At the top of this thread it says that there are 55 comments, but I can see maybe 1/3 of those. Where have the rest gone? I commented on another post that had 4 comments, but I couldn’t see any of them…

      611 months ago

      Just a guess, but your browser might be blocking JS from loading more comments. They should load when you scroll to the end of the page.

      • DJDarren
        711 months ago

        So, having done a bit more digging, it’s not Safari. Arc is exhibiting the same behaviour.

        To make matters more annoying, I have replies that I can see in my inbox and reply to, but if I try to load them under their posts, the posts won’t load. Again, in Safari and Arc.

        • Chris Remington
          911 months ago

          With the release of Lemmy 0.17.2 there are language settings that are frustratingly confusing. I still can’t wrap my head around it. You could try going into your personal settings, here are Beehaw, and see if you can figure things out.

          • DJDarren
            611 months ago

            Ah! I just set. my language to “Undetermined” and I can now see your reply to me in the music thread, which I couldn’t before. Except now the other comments have disappeared…

            • Chris Remington
              411 months ago

              I’m sorry that the languages thing is so confusing and frustrating. I kept messing with it until I could see everything, but it was so long ago that I don’t remember how I got it working.

              • DJDarren
                711 months ago

                I think I’ve figured it out… I selected all the languages and hit save.

                I guess the problem is that some people leave it set to Undetermined, others set it to English when they post, so a user’s individual setting will only show comments tagged as one or the other.

                  811 months ago

                  Yeah this change is fairly new, with a recent update, and I feel like it’s not implemented perfectly yet.

                  Make sure to also have Undetermined selected, since many people post that way.

            511 months ago

            Aha! That fixed the problem for me. I checked undetermined, English, and español and now I can see the comments on my own post.

      • DJDarren
        411 months ago

        Hmm, I have JS enabled, and Safari is usually pretty solid for this kind of thing.

        I’ll have to do some digging!

    1611 months ago

    Hello everyone, another Reddit Refugee saying hello!

    A bit of history, I was on Digg, and after they ruined that I joined Reddit (how many years ago was that already??). Lurking around ever since.

    I really do appreciate the civil and social attitude here-- let’s build a great, open and accepting community!

    • @Kory
      1211 months ago

      Wow, I have completely forgotten about Digg. Reddit should remember that story though, wouldn’t be the first time that users are leaving in troves after bad management decisions.

        511 months ago

        I noticed you have Does that mean you posted this from another instance? How did you do so?

        Sorry for the dumb question. New to Lemmy/Fediverse stuff.

        • OOFshoot
          511 months ago

          Pretty much, yeah. It means their account is hosted by and they saw this post and commented on it. Every server has its own local posts and discussion boards and whatnot, but they’re open for everyone to see and interact with. They could even make their own post on our server if we had a topic board that interested them.

          Think of it kiiiiind of like sending an email to or to Since they all use the email standard they can all interact with each other no problem.

          • GuyDudeman
            011 months ago

            So if I wanted to be safe, I should go to every Lemmy instance I can and register my username so that in case one goes down I can still use the login from another instance, right?

            • OOFshoot
              311 months ago

              I mean, it would be like creating an email address from every domain you can just so you can keep sending emails if one domain goes down.

              They’ll all be entirely separate accounts.

              • GuyDudeman
                211 months ago

                Makes sense. Especially if I want this username everywhere, right?

                • OOFshoot
                  211 months ago

                  Yeah but your username is both halves, it’s just inside the instance Lemmy drops the second half fit convince’s sake. It would be like if someone asked what your email was and you didn’t give the domain.

        • @Kory
          311 months ago

          Not dumb at all. Yes, I’m posting from a different instance, cause that’s the cool thing in the Fediverse, you can subscribe to everything from the place you desire, even from your Mastodon feed!

            411 months ago

            If you can subscribe from Mastodon, do hashtags work in Lemmy?

            #test #lemmy

            (Sorry, using you as a guinea pig 😜)

      111 months ago

      It’s been just under 13 years since Digg v4 triggered a mass migration to Reddit.

      Here’s hoping Lemmy lasts at least that long!

    1611 months ago

    I’m a reddit refugee too. It’s so interesting to see that almost all the comments are 1) from actual people, and 2) conversing in way actual humans might if they weren’t on the internet.

    11 months ago

    Another redditor checking in here👋, been using Mastodon for a while now, I hope reddit’s silly decision comes to benefit the fediverse!

    11 months ago

    Message to the new users:

    Communities like this struggle to get started without corporate backing and marketing money. Once we hit a critical mass the quality of the content and number of users will keep increasing.

    Please help by:

    • spreading the word about and LemmyNet in general.
    • try to contribute by commenting/posting.

    Relevant links:

    Reddit mods announce the api update

    Link to the apolloapp thread

    Link to r/programming thread

    Link to r/technology thread

    1511 months ago

    Glad to be here. The lack of downvotes and also the focus on trying to navigate the fine-line of dialogue while not advocating for hate made me interested in joining this site.