I hope everyone has been doing good and that these past few months have been well for you. Its been quite the trip for me, and I wanted to apologize for not being able to contribute these past few months like I was able to previously.

I was dealing with the possibility of receiving a life changing and potentially terminal cancer diagnosis. Simultaneously I was also dealing with the end of my semester and a plethora of exams, papers, and projects; along with job hunting to support myself these coming months. These left me with little time and energy to myself, and I wasn’t able to participate here.

Thankfully the tests for the diagnosis were false positives and the problem was instead very minor and has been dealt with. I also finished off my semester as strong as I could with perfect marks! Which has in turn allowed me to transfer from my small local college, to a much more prestigious university!

I did also want to apologize for leaving on a sour note, as while I did have a lot going on which led to my fuse being short, I still feel terrible about my previous exchange and have no excuse for it. If Maud Dibber is reading this, I would also wish to apologize to you directly and expressly.

Overall things have been going much better then before for me, and I look forward to contributing again!

  • Muad'Dibber
    91 year ago

    It’s no problem at all, just glad to have you back. Congrats on getting into good school! I did the same local community college -> better school route. Glad things are looking up comrade.

    • @ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.mlOP
      311 months ago

      Its been a rough past few years to the point that I was ready to give up if it weren’t for hope of things being better. These past 6 months have been a journey and I’ve come a long way, and I can now look towards the future with a determined happiness. Thank you for your kind words Maud.

      The community college to good school process was also a trip and a half, but I made it through to the other side! Can’t wait to see where that takes me!

  • @redtea@lemmygrad.ml
    81 year ago

    Welcome back. Glad to hear your health’s in order and that you did well in your studies. It’s also nice to see that you’ve been studying drama in your spare time – the 46-odd words between ‘diagnosis’ and ‘thankfully’ were agonising.

    I either can’t remember or must’ve missed the short fuse. I’ve been like this before, as well, due to either health or education or both. Afterwards, when I can see clearly again I wonder what and how the fuck happened. We’re all growing, comrade.

    • @ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.mlOP
      81 year ago

      I thought it might be fun to build the suspense for a little while! Seemed like a good time to dust off the old Tolstoy literary methods!

      The short fuse thing was in relation to a small event before I left, where I got a little to into it with someone in the comments of a post.

      But thank you for your words comrade, it means a lot.