The RISC-V ISA is commonly divided into two architectures, namely RV32 and RV64, covering 32-bit and 64-bit register sizes respectively. And although the RV64 standard is not yet fully RV32-compatible, the two are, except from some minor divergences, closely associated products of the same family. In fact, it took some
I think I’ve read something, however, as mentioned, that seems far. pine64 just launched recently its arm new pro phone for developers (not consumers yet), which improves some specs, as to to be doing major changes, like adopting new ISA, but yes, I seem to remember reading about their interest, and perhaps something happening underneath, but I guess not their focus at the moment with the recent launch of several arm based products…
I think I’ve read something, however, as mentioned, that seems far. pine64 just launched recently its arm new pro phone for developers (not consumers yet), which improves some specs, as to to be doing major changes, like adopting new ISA, but yes, I seem to remember reading about their interest, and perhaps something happening underneath, but I guess not their focus at the moment with the recent launch of several arm based products…
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