• @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    364 months ago

    In kindergarten, students tested in 2023 were about 2 percentage points less likely to begin school at grade level in both math and reading, compared with 2019


    Which is probably because they missed out on Pre-K and just highlights how our education system isnt enough anymore. If there’s a real benefit to Pre-K (there is) then let’s stop making it something that costs a bunch of money and is hard to get into.

    Let’s just make it part of the public school system

  • @Showroom7561@lemmy.ca
    154 months ago

    Before we blame the pandemic, are there any studies showing whether parents have been reading to their kids these past few years, or has the iPad taken over as the parent?

    • HobbitFoot
      124 months ago

      Test scores took a dive during the pandemic and never recovered.

      It would be really hard to point to something else other than the pandemic to note the sudden and dramatic drop.

      • @Showroom7561@lemmy.ca
        04 months ago

        “The pandemic” doesn’t explain it.

        What specifically, during the pandemic, led to a 2% drop in their scores?

        Were kids not being read to at home? Did they spend all their time during lockdown watching TV?

        Screen time, which should be limited to under an hour for preschool aged kids, is considerably higher than that, and it got worse during the pandemic.

        It seems like parents or caregivers would be to blame for that.

        • HobbitFoot
          64 months ago

          A lot of pre-K education comes from daycare facilities and other methods where parents give their kids to others to care for. Take those kids and put them at home with parents who still have to work and you’ll probably see a dip in education levels.

          • @Showroom7561@lemmy.ca
            -24 months ago

            Take those kids and put them at home with parents who still have to work and you’ll probably see a dip in education levels.

            Still having to work, from home or otherwise (but mostly at home if we’re talking about the pandemic), and that would still leave most regular hours to be a parent (I.e. and read to your child).

            I’d like to see stats and truly know what accounts for these drops. We already know that kids spent more time in front of screens during the pandemic (for entertainment, not education), but what about parents reading to their children. There should have been MORE time, not less, to do that.

            • HobbitFoot
              24 months ago

              I’d like to see stats and truly know what accounts for these drops.

              The only way to get some sort of idea is with A/B testing, which is really hard to do during a pandemic. However, there is a body of evidence to suggest that being in daycare around 3+ helps with later success in schools: https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2023/06/quality-child-care-science-math

              Also, you seem to point out to more time for parents to be able to read to kids if everyone works from home, but that may not be the case. WFH does seem to indicate that people work longer hours in total. They may also not be able to spend as much break time during the day to. Do things like read to their kids or otherwise mentally simulate them.

              • @Showroom7561@lemmy.ca
                14 months ago


                The study looked at “Children who receive high-quality child care as babies, toddlers and preschoolers…”

                So, is the drop in reading and math a direct result of kids not getting high-quality childcare as babies and toddlers? Because I don’t even think thay the majority of American parents ever had the means to make that happen outside of the home.

                That might be something that only high income families could afford, but I’m not sure if the article reports on whether children from high income families also experienced a drop in reading and math scores.

                WFH does seem to indicate that people work longer hours in total.

                Without a daily commute or prep time getting ready for the office, and especially during lockdowns when people simply didn’t leave their homes, there was significantly more time for non-work related activities.

                This is why so many people actually enjoyed the pandemic. They had significant amounts of free time for hobbies, exercise, etc. Bikes even sold out for like a year, because the demand for recreation cycling during the pandemic was at such a high level.

                But time with your kids, even for 20 minutes of reading, offers a huge advantage to their development. This can easily be incorporated during bedtime.

                In any case, I do still believe that a lack or reduction in reading at home has an impact on these scores, and I do appreciate the thoughtful discussion 🤝

                • HobbitFoot
                  24 months ago

                  You keep trying to point to your theory, but you should be able to do a literary search to find if there is some evidence to back up your claim.

                • @Nmill11b@lemmy.world
                  14 months ago

                  I’m sorry, this seems a bit disconnected with the reality of actively working and simultaneously taking care of children. If you are working from home, there may be absolutely no or very little time to give quality instruction to children. Anecdotally, at the start of the pandemic, I was in a surgical residency. My specialty (otolaryngology) was locked down pretty hard across the nation, so I actually was at home a lot during the start of the pandemic, as there was a big scare about risk with routine ENT encounters and surgery. My wife worked in HR and was totally working from home.

                  For the first two months, I did most of the child care despite being in a busy surgical residency. Our children were about a year old and required a lot of active watching and caring for them. My wife may have been able to step away and change diapers and feed (sometimes she would be tied up). There was certainly no time to give quality education.

                  To give quality rearing and education to children while working would essentially be the equivalent of working two jobs. Working from home does not necessarily mean you log on, sit at home, and then go about your day as you like (i know some may have been able to do that, for better or worse). I’m not sure why you are insisting that parents taking on this extra burden while working (from home or not) is an unreasonable explanation for this.

        • @OceanSoap
          14 months ago

          Specifically, the closing of schools during the pandemic, leading to mass amounts of children not having access to daily reading practice.

          Most parents were not able to make up that time with their kids.

          • @Showroom7561@lemmy.ca
            14 months ago

            Yes, I read a report from the UN stating specific reasons why the pandemic sidetracked many students, especially underprivileged ones.

            Those who were given more opportunities to learn at home and not spend time in front of screens fared much better.

      • Zorque
        134 months ago

        You have to have time to nurture them, as well. I imagine a lot of parents simply don’t have the time/energy because of needing to work so much to take care of their families.

        • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
          44 months ago

          Plus if the parent has trouble reading - maybe because their education was lacking - they’re less likely to read to their kids. It’s a vicious spiral

        • @czardestructo@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          I don’t know why this simple fact is so often over looked. If you have to work two jobs, commute, play with your kid, do laundry, make dinner, clean up then try and relax there is NO TIME to nurture your damn kid. As a dad it’s easy to see how single moms and blue collar parents have to constantly stick their kids in front of a iPad because they have nothing left to give.

  • @azimir
    114 months ago

    Before COVID the US was dropping in worldwide math, science, and writing rankings. I would be willing to bed $1 that this will just hasten our decline.

    • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
      34 months ago

      COVID actually helped the US go up, but only because other countries were more adversely affected.

      • @EightBitBlood@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        I would honestly like to see a reference to whatever study you’re quoting. Because all the data I’ve looked at clearly shows the US getting hit harder by COVID than anywhere else.

        We’re #1 in both infections and deaths. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1093256/novel-coronavirus-2019ncov-deaths-worldwide-by-country/

        Over 100 million cases of it have been documented here, with over 1.1 million deaths. This also places us at the second highest of per capita deaths in the world under one country: Peru.

        Our COVID death rate accounts for 1/6 of the total world deaths from COVID.

        • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
          34 months ago

          Sorry, not deaths but educational outcomes. And I think they’re related. Other countries that locked down harder had a lower death rate but the kids weren’t being educated as well.

  • @ULS
    4 months ago

    No one cares about people in America. Just work shitty jobs for asshole legitimate psychopaths and shut the fuck up like a good American. The American Dream isn’t for us, it’s for them and them alone. You’re either a slave to them or you fuck up innocent lives to “gEt MiNe” exactly as they do. That makes you just as much the enemy as them.

    Catch 22. Life is evil.