• Ephera
    51 year ago

    I especially love the concept of “prompt engineering”.

    Some people will tell you AIs are great, because you don’t need to be good at using a search engine, while others will tell you, you have to learn Google-Fu 2.0.

    • loathesome dongeater
      31 year ago

      Google fu was genuinely useful before the dawn of SEO. Not sure about prompt engineering since the AI fabricates a significant amount of bs.

      • Ephera
        31 year ago

        From what I’ve heard about it so far, it’s usually not used to influence the amount of BS, but rather how it’s presented to you. Like, for example, asking it to explain it in simple terms. Or with image-generating AIs, you can ask it to generate images from a specific angle, with a specific camera lens etc…

  • 10_0
    41 year ago

    Ai is only useful when researching for getting a general idea of the subject, because the ai that people use are just very good prediction algorithms so don’t know what they’re talking about when asked for more detail. Maybe I do an AI review?