• Star Wars Enjoyer
    52 years ago

    Years ago the party I was a chairmen of (it was a local party) tried to do some partnership things with their branch in Oklahoma, and that was probably one of my worst experiences talking to so-called “comrades”.

    We went to them looking for a community range day type thing (SRA didn’t exist yet) and their members would NOT shut up about the immediate need for violent revolution. We tried to talk to them about the science of revolt, and all of the theory on why you don’t just leap into a revolution without the support of the people, but they didn’t care. The only thing that mattered to them was finding enough trigger fingers to go head to head with local fascists.

    Last thing I heard, most of the people who were there at our preliminary range day who represented RNR ended up going to prison for violent crimes. At least from my direct experience with them in Oklahoma, they’re very much not the people to be buddy-buddy with if you want a positive outlook from non-leftists towards your party.