From a language architecture standpoint and not an ecosystem standpoint, what might be some things where you’d really not want to use Rust, either because of some limitation that prevents it from doing it or just because it’d be massively annoying to write to the point of significantly reduced productivity? What about Rust makes it unsuitable, and what language paradigms are the best for it?

I hear a lot about how the things that Rust is not good for, JIT compilation with a garbage collector is usually the best solution, and vice versa. How true is this?

  • @basiliscos
    32 years ago

    Rust kinda sucks for writting windows guis.

    Of course it sucks, as rusts borrow cheker is intrusive and programmatic, whilst in C references to entities are mxied (i.e. sometimes caller owns, sometime framework etc.) and conventional (i.e. you have to read docs in API to know what you can/should do with a reference).

    I consider rusts intrusivness is a weak point, and it’s programmatic checking of ownership is strong point.

    So, if you have a mixture of two worlds (C and Rust), it might be a pain to have such an achitecture. For simple cases, of course, there are no big issues, but things like GUI are not simple things, that’s why Rust is still not here, IMHO.