• @k_o_tOP
    2 years ago

    yeah, i agree partially, i don’t see the nobel prize committee going on stage be like “yeah, so there’s this woman who basically illegally pirated all of the articles in the world and it turns out that this shit is actually pretty good, and this model that we current have where scientific journals appropriate public research that they contributed nothing to is really shitty, bye 😎👋”

    but i disagree that nobel prizes are purely co-opting mechanisms, there are fields that are completely apolotical, like, say, physics and biology…

    • krolden
      2 years ago

      Yeah it really is a broad award since they give them out fot many fields, most of which don’t make the headlines in the general news categories very often.

      But when it comes to stuff like the ‘peace’ prize, I can’t help to see it as just a distraction from how hopelessly fucked we are in regards to the future of humanity. I am however a huge cynic so maybe I should just shut up.