• @AgreeableLandscape
    2 years ago

    Fair enough.

    Reminds me of the same problem with C#, Visual Basic and the .NET framework, especially back in the day before .NET Core and the open source MsBuild. It was very hard to get into the ecosystem because almost all the tools and libraries are proprietary and usually cost money. Though those were even worse than Swift in that even the languages themselves are proprietary, other than Mono, but that’s unofficial.

    • @k_o_t
      22 years ago

      damn, that mush have sucked 😬, although there’s a weird sense of security in only having to know and use a single set of tools and being able to solely rely on those 🤷‍♀️

      but i’m glad we have open source tools now :)

      • @AgreeableLandscape
        2 years ago

        Having a forced standard way of doing things is good for beginners, but the moment whatever entity controls that standard way screws up or no longer wants to keep developing it cough Google cough, or you need to do something that they didn’t account for, it’ll be a shitshow.

        Now, if that standard way was Libre, that would fix all of those issues. But then it wouldn’t be a “forced” standard way anymore.