Page 23 of this report

The current data given a 3 week period appears to show that the ages 30-80 that have been double jabbed are signficiantly more likely to get a positive covid-19 result than those who are not vaccinated. Also please note that the data presented is per 100,000, meaning that it has taken into account the proportion size of the fully vaccinated and the people that are unvaccinated.

Little confused here I thought that the whole reason the UK were mandating that the NHS and care home workers get this covid-19 vaccine was so that it would help stop the spread of this virus and yet this data seems to show that for ages 30-80 the vaccinated are more likely to actually get this virus. So little lost as to the Governments reasoning behind this is? I would say that money is behind the motive, but I don’t think the Government would swoop that low?

Before you all call be an anti-vaxxer I am proud to announce that I am doing my part in helping prevent the spread of the virus in the process saving lives because I am a good person that cares for the wellbeing of others and have received a covid-19 vaccine and so therefore am indeed vaccinated against this virus which has killed millions of people (even though this data I have presented here shows that 30-80 year olds are more likely to get this virus and maybe suggests that the fully vaccinated are more likely to transmit the virus…)

But yeah I would love to hear all your thoughts on this data that the UK Government have released here. Also currently reading this book “The Real Anthony Fauci” by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr and he presents a lot of really good information in this book which I think may be of interest to the readers here.

Mods please don’t ban for being anti-vax I am 100% for vaccination even if data shows that it may increase transmisibility of a virus.

  • seahorseM
    3 年前

    To everyone who comes to this post: this is how extremists spread their message. This guy realized he couldn’t post his wackadoodle new age antivax opinions here, so he scaled back and is now saying he’s vaccinated and that he just wants to “discuss” the data. Doing this so he can sow seeds of doubt and “redpill” unsuspecting, gullible people who come across it sending them down the antivax rabbit hole. He’s hiding behind plausible deniability as an “innocent vaccinated citizen of the world” so people won’t report/ban him due to being antivax (Come on, who talks like that). This guy has been here before and literally thinks vaccines have microchips in them (as if everyone’s smart phones aren’t good enough at tracking us) and that they make you sterile.

    • truthseeker1OP
      3 年前

      Not too sure where you are getting this thinking from? I as a vaccinated curious innocent citizen of the world reviewed the recent report from a Governments data. I then saw inconsistency with what was previously said and so therefore wanted to see what you guys thoughts were regarding this recent data. I assure you I didn’t “cherry pick” this data - I literally viewed the recent report from UK Government - saw that the data showed something interersting and wanted to see what other’s thoughts were on it.

      This guy has been here before and literally thinks vaccines have microchips in them (as if everyone’s smart phones aren’t good enough at tracking us) and that they make you sterile.

      From what I understand of the message you are referring to this group “The Great White Brotherhood” put out a message (which has been censored here because the mods seem to be against this group for some reason) that the vaccines have been introduced which contain microchips designed to reduce life expectancy of the elderly and toxins which sterilize men/women. The reason being is because the powers that be want to reduce the population of the world and also to save money on the costs of elderly people and save money from the costs of upbringing children into this world. Weather you believe it or not is up to you… I don’t really care if you believe it or not and I am certainly not “Doing this so he can sow seeds of doubt and “redpill” unsuspecting”. I’m just another everday truth seeker as my username suggests.

      You seem to be arguing that I have “scaled back”? I mean at what point in contradictory information do you reassess your previous beliefs and understandings? Have you ever heard of confirmation bias at all? Whereby you selectively only read information which conforms to your prior belief and attack/ignore any information which doesn’t conform to your beliefs? Hence why rationality is needed in assessing the truth, and rationality is a whole other subject which has its criques i.e. Kants critque of pure reason.

      I’m not trying to convince anyone of anything I’m just trying to get to the truth in the matter. But it would appear that nobody on this forum is open minded enough to believe that the things they have been told by mainstream media may actually not be based on reality and so I find myself in the unfortunate position of hearing what some may refer to as "NPC"s promoting the narrative which has been established by mainstream media who seem to ignore anything and everything which questions their narrative. Hence why there are so many downvotes to this post, hence why the message of “The Great White Brotherhood” is being actively censored on this platform and hence why this entire post with all comments will likely be censored here as well.

      Let me just repeat it again for further clarity for the people in the forum in case they didn’t read my previous messages. I am in no way anti-vax and am myself vaccianted (virtue signaling)

      • sheesh
        3 年前

        You should learn how to write shorter. Stick to few mmain points per comment. No one can follow a discussion where you list 20 different (tangential) aspects.