I’m a new peertuber (literally created the channel yesterday) and being on the fediverse for a good time made me think It’s a bit more harder to be discovered. It’s not just that I want to become internet famous, but also because a whole lot of content here is generally really bad. (I’m not talking about the shitposts, the info coming from videos are boring as hell, the thumbnails and titles meh.)

I love the fediverse, It’s tough to say but the videos here is quote-on-quote, really boring.

I’m not about to recreate the same mistakes, peertube could be something more than this.

unrelated: One thing I noticed is that youtubers do alot of collabs, and that’s probably why some youtubers get discovered quickly, in general generates alot of traction. However there isn’t really a center place to find other creators on peertube.

If there is any advice please don’t hesitate to tell me anything, and let’s discuss this for a bit, shall we?

Thanks in advance…

  • Vegafjord eo
    33 years ago

    I see that you have a solid set of interests. That’s great!

    earthspace mastery

    It’s a contrast to cyberspace. In other words it’s the offline realm:P

    I’ve given you a pm:)