Found this in my GitHub recommendations, I thought I post it and ask if we could use it or parts of its source code to develop federation on Lemmy. Any thoughts?

  • @mariusor
    4 years ago

    Do you have a link? I’m very curious about how Rust handles some of the particularities of the jsonld marshaling of activitypub objects. In Go, this proved to be the biggest headache I had.

    [edit] Nevermind the link, I managed to find it myself. However I see that this includes just the vocabulary, nothing about S2S/C2S activity processing, validation, or authorization.

    For a very broad approach to this processing step, you can take a look at my package, which has some basic interactions already implemented - mainly for C2S, but they can serve as an inspiration for S2S too. They are mapped pretty closely to the spec, as I wanted that someone that’s familiar with the spec can find their way pretty quickly.

    • DessalinesMA
      24 years ago

      Ya I know a lot of the validation is built custom, most of it in ruby right now. There aren’t any rust libraries to help with that, but its still doable.