“Dead” as I’m the only significant threadmaker of this forum and I want to post at my heart’s content or not post at all.

If anyone feels like copy-pasting from /r/Sino to, especially those posts related to China and especially those in Chinese with captions, in order to show people that such communities do not have to depend on large US corporations, feel free to do so and please do.

I apologize for any grievance I caused with Lemmy’s frontpage.
And I wish to hear a direction to a resolve if there is one.

  • Muad'Dibber
    43 years ago

    I just blocked it from my personal feed, but I see both sides. I’d def prefer a lower number of posts with more discussion than a TON of posts from r/sino, but then again r/sino is also one of the few good subs left, so some of them are good.

    • ghost_laptop
      23 years ago

      I also agree that having more discussion would be better, but at least they’re keeping a community alive which could lead to eventually having more conversation.