• @poVoq
    1 year ago

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    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      3 years ago

      During most of humanity’s 250000 years of existence there was no large scale hierarchy at all, and even during the 5000 or so years of written history most of humanity has lived outside of state hierarchical constructs.

      That’s just an artifact of there not being that many humans around. Yet, hierarchies certainly existed and they even predate humans. Apes and monkeys also organize hierarchically, and seeing how we evolved from same origins this behavior is hardwired in humans through natural selection. And the reason is that it was successful behavior that outcompeted other behaviors. Anarchist dogma is both reductive and ahistorical.

      And you yourself have cited a link of the CCP recognizing they they are slowly moving away from the early capitalist expansion phase (in the last 10 years or so) and as a result wealth inequality and lack of social mobility have strongly increased in China.

      China is indeed moving away from its capitalist phase, which contradicts your whole thesis here.

      Oh and with expansion I mean economic expansion, not imperialists one through military bases… but beside that… travel to some places in Africa and you will very much see colonialist like expansion of Chinese companies, usually not very well liked by the local people there (other than the corrupt leaders that benefit from it).

      I see you redefine imperialism as having economic relationships between countries. Why don’t we look at some actual data on how that’s working out:

      Chinese investment in Africa has had ‘significant and persistently positive’ long-term effects, this study shows positive effects of Chinese debt relief in Africa, and no dept trap resulted from China’s investment in Sri Lankan port.

      You continue to parrot counterfactual nonsense while accusing others of “referring to the bible for historical facts”. Sounds like somebody needs to take a long hard look in the mirror here.

      • @poVoq
        1 year ago

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        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
          23 years ago

          This is the height of comedy. You at least acknowledge that apes and chimps organize hierarchically, and these are our closest ancestors last I checked. Humans throughout history have also organized hierarchically. This is even the case for small tribes.

          If you can’t even acknowledge this simple fact what else is there to tell you really. The fact that you glibly jumped on the whole false monkey story instead of addressing this fact shows just how intellectually dishonest you are.

          • @poVoq
            1 year ago

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            • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
              23 years ago

              That’s just a false statement. Pretty much all human societies have organized themselves in tribes with leaders and hierarchies. The only thing that changed over time is that humans started living in increasingly larger groups necessitating increasingly complex organization. Claiming that hierarchical structure starts with nation-states is utterly ahistorical.

              • @poVoq
                1 year ago

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                • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
                  43 years ago

                  I got your point, and I fundamentally disagree with it. The difference is one of scale. We have nearly 8 billion humans on the planet right now, and hierarchies that every large society developed are a result of managing this complexity.

                  Furthermore, as the French revolution clearly shows, organization is needed in order to effectively resist capitalist hierarchies. Anarchists continue to fail learning the lessons of why the commune failed.

                  Again, you’re preaching utopia without providing any tangible path towards achieving it. Meanwhile, MLs have liberated countless people from the hell that is capitalism. Much like religious preachers, anarchists preach utopian ideals to keep the masses from rising up and taking effective action.

                  • @poVoq
                    1 year ago

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    • Helix 🧬
      03 years ago

      with expansion I mean economic expansion, not imperialists one through military bases

      Where is the difference?

      • @poVoq
        1 year ago

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