I didn’t say every socialist country will do it now or that it is doing it right, even more a country like Venezuela who’s pretty fucked up in a lot of ways. But you will never see anything resembling this happen in a capitalist society, whereas it will happen at some point in a socialist/communist one. It is diametrically opposed to capitalist values, because the police is the repressive force in charge of protecting private property and bourgeoisie values.
I didn’t say every socialist country will do it now or that it is doing it right, even more a country like Venezuela who’s pretty fucked up in a lot of ways. But you will never see anything resembling this happen in a capitalist society, whereas it will happen at some point in a socialist/communist one. It is diametrically opposed to capitalist values, because the police is the repressive force in charge of protecting private property and bourgeoisie values.