I’ve been setting up Prosody today and it’s been a struggle. I have gotten to about 55% compliance. I not aiming for 100%. If there is a sample config I can refer to that would be helpful.

When it comes to SRV records, I am not sure what purpose they serve. From what I am reading, some clients refuse to connected to ports other than 80/443 for HTTP/HTTPS respectively. So the SRV records transparently redirect to them to (for example) xmpp.example.tld port 5222/5269. Is that it? Regardless of the purpose, compliance.conversations.im says that I need to add a line to the config:

legacy_ssl_ports = { 5223 };

And then point the SRV record to that but I can’t get it to work. Any idea what I am doing wrong here?

  • @ishigami_san
    13 years ago

    There’s XEP-0368 with which one can directly specify direct TLS endpoints, and with ALPN multiple protocols can be multiplexed over single port, e.g. using nginx’s ngx_stream_ssl_preread_module. XEP-0368 is at least supported by Conversations, and Dino.