
    • @jacksilver@lemmy.world
      464 months ago

      Not OP, but the point of asking for an ELI5 is that sometimes you don’t even know where to start. For example I clicked the link you provided and only have more questions as I don’t really know what people mean by display servers, etc.

      Sure I could look everything up and try to understand, but the hope is someone in the community might provide a better or faster summary than what can currently be found online.

      • @baru@lemmy.world
        -34 months ago

        Something similar has been asked loads and loads of times. It’s not needed to investigate, just searching for previous discussions is enough. It sometimes surprises me that people don’t read one of the many times the same was asked before. That said, despite the same questions coming up many times there’s often multiple people who will gladly explain things. So I agree that it doesn’t make sense to complain about it. I’m a bit surprised that nothing would come up though. It really gets asked regularly.

        • @jacksilver@lemmy.world
          14 months ago

          I get your point. I don’t know about OP, but I hadn’t seen a similar thread, but I usually browse all so easily miss posts for specific communities.

          Also, I’ve found search on Lemmy hit or miss. The federation aspect of everything makes search sometimes difficult or confusing. For example, what community would most likely have already provided an ELI5 post and how would it have been phrased?

        • @superbirra@lemmy.world
          14 months ago

          yeah, but the time of web forums with losers banning you because you couldn’t find a post from 17 years earlier on the same subject is long gone. YAY!

    • @purahna@lemmygrad.ml
      4 months ago

      Not only is @jacksilver@lemmy.world right, but additionally, this article is extremely biased in favor of Xorg and is much more of a (completely unfair and one-sided) take-down of Wayland oriented at technical folks and not at all an explainer for laypeople

    • burghler
      24 months ago

      Costs very very little energy to just keep on scrolling buddy pal